Thursday, February 26, 2015

Villain 7: Black Hand

Bruce Wayne is dead. The hero that social media has blown out of proportion known as The Batman, has died, and in The Blackest Night storyline recently resurrected William Hand uses his new Black Lantern Ring to resurrect the dead. By holding the skull of our caped crusader and chanting:

"The Blackest Night Falls From The Skies,
  The Darkness grows as all light dies,
  We crave our heart and your demise,
  By my Black hand, The dead Shall Rise!"
(Romantic Style poetry)

William Hand begins to raise the dead and attack the worlds beloved superheroes as they fall to his deathly grasp, and rise again as black lanterns. Many of the worlds beloved superheroes fell to the Black Hand. Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Superboy, Abin-sur, Azreal the Avenging Angel, and countless others all fell to the Black Hands power. This rampage lead to the "War of Light" which was a bloody intergalactic war between the Black Lanterns (Death), and The Red (Rage), Blue (Hope), Yellow (Fear), Green (Will), Orange (Greed), Indigo (Compassion), Star-Sapphire (Love), and White Lantern Corps (Life). Anyway so enough with the backstory lets get to the analysis. So the first romantic value that comes to mind is the clear allusion to the Bible. William Hand became the EMBODIMENT of death (if it didn't get to you the first time he embodied death). The Black Hand became one of the four horseman of the apocalypse, and this is a clear allusion to the Bible. Another Romantic value in the Black hand is the fact that he is completely flawed. William Hand is a Necrophiliac (someone who enjoys "touching" dead bodies. I'm not going to use a more clear term for obvious reasons) he defiles the graves of many people and throws the entire nature of the universe out of balance. This total destruction of the reverence of all embodiments of nature causes the White Lanterns to appear. The white lanterns are the natural defense force of the universe. The rings appear to those who are worthy when the world needs them the most. The white lanterns destroyed the Black Lanterns and William Hand with ease. Nature had the power to destroy the imperfect humans. This is a important romantic value. Well that's about it. In my next blog I will try to control my anger as I analyze another DC villain (I'm sorry marvel fans but the DC villains are so much deeper in meaning. I did Galactus to make you happy). This villain is known as General Zod, so beware fans of the "Man of Steel" movie because I may bash that piece of garbage into the ground. 

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